Caretaker CoachingYou are a parent. You take care of the kids and the house. You care for your elderly parents. Perhaps you care for a loved one with a medical condition. On top of all of that, you run a business or have a career. You are responsible for your family, their well-being, their finances, and you juggle it all well.

You could use a little support.

The Caretaker  Coaching group combines The Modern Observer Group’s business coaching, geared towards making your business simpler to run and more profitable,  with our Life CEO coaching, geared towards helping you ensure everything gets done while not neglecting your needs and ensuring that your needs are met as well. To this, we add a support group of fellow caretakers to share experiences with and trade tips and ideas with.

This is Caretaker Coaching

Coaching sessions are conducted by phone to make it easy for you to get to. We have four sessions a week (two during the business day, one after work, and one on the weekend.) You can attend any of these sessions that fits into your schedule. You are not locked into that session. You can change sessions, or attend multiple sessions, as your schedule allows.

Your coaching includes learning The Modern Observer Group’s Businetiks For Life™ system which will help you apply the priniciples of mindset, focus, operations, communications, innovation, evaluation, and improvement to get the most out of your work and your life.

Your Premier Life Coaching is a division of The Modern Observer Group. To schedule an appointment or learn more, contact us at 203.693.4523 or info@yourpremierlifecoaching.